Sunday, March 10, 2013


The simple truth of the matter is that I am a homebody. I love being in my own quiet space, maybe cooking a meal, doing something creative, or just being with my family. When life gets busy, I am known to lament about how many days it has been since the last quiet day (or weekend at home).

The past few Saturdays have been a case in point for me. It started with many hours at church for the 30 Hour Famine. Last weekend we went to a fabulous rummage sale in Oakland. Yesterday we went to see my sister and her family to celebrate a slew of spring birthdays.

On the hour-plus drive to my sister's house, I started to get that anxious feeling that I get when we haven't had our home time. I feel behind on things...a touch disconnected. And then I realized something. The past three weekends were full of things that make my life rich...of the things that give me memories. They were times shared with people I want to mentor and people whom I love. They give me stories to tell. The stories about the laundry getting done (while they give me satisfaction) are just not compelling.

Then I started to think about my faith walk. I think I tend to be a homebody there as well. It is easy to be safe in my practices and sharing. I think though, that what I heard God saying to me as we drove was this: "Our journey will be richer if you are actually doing things." I winced a bit. Nobody likes to get a butt-kick from their Heavenly Father. I could protest that I am doing things--but I suspect the voice was suggesting I take more risks...reach out more, love more, and yes, be willing to leave my house on a weekend or weeknight.

For all I fight against the busyness of life, I am reminded that in the moments of activity blessings come. Often when you least expect them.